Saturday, October 26, 2024
Event Hours…
- 3:00PM– 8:00PM: Food Court, Kid Carnival, Amusement Ride
- 3:00PM– 7:00PM: Petting Farm & ‘Halloweenie Walk’ – for non-scary trick-or-treat fun!
- 4:00PM– 8:00PM Trick-or-Treat Trail (Halloweenie Walk portion of trail will close earlier)
Some of the Fun Event Details…
Petting Farm: Several local farms are bringing animals (i.e. goats, sheep) for kids to pet and possibly feed. For the well-being of the animals, this part of the event is weather dependant.
The Kid Carnival: located under the Big Tent, features a Bouncy House, Face Painting, and an array of Carnival Games. Some games will be just for fun, others for small prizes. Our thanks to the Key Club at Kennett High School for helping run the carnival games.
Entertainment: We are working on getting a variety of local talent to participate in Halloween Town. This may include Story Tellers, Vocalists, Musicians… and maybe even a few Magic Tricks. What would Halloween be without tricks?! Entertainers will be situated at select locations throughout Halloween Town – a schedule of performances will be posted in the Town Centre.
Amusement Rides: In 2011 we introduced the Dizzy Dragon to Halloween Town. This very kid friendly ride was a big hit and will likely be making an encore appearance this year. There is a ticket fee to ride the Dizzy Dragon – all ticket money goes directly to The Laura Foundation.
Food Court: Items, such as Burgers, Hot Dogs, and Chicken Fingers will be available for purchase. For those of you craving more traditional carnival food; Fried Onions, Apple Crisp, Pizza and Popcorn will also be offered, plus a variety of baked goods – all money goes directly to The Laura Foundation.

Trick-or-Treat Trail: The Trick-or-Treat Trail is comprised of an atmospherically lighted pathway guiding “trick-or-treaters” throughout camp to visit a series of Halloween-themed cabins. Halloween surprises, (candy, treats, knick-knacks), will be offered at each cabin. The trail is over ½ mile in length.

There are a total of about 25 cabins / haunted areas situated along the trail. The interior of each cabin is being transformed with a specific theme in mind. Visitors will be invited inside each cabin to look around and experience whatever the hosts have dreamed up.

Along the trail, visitors may pass through spooky areas intended to add to the chill and thrill of the adventure. However, while parts of the Trick-or-Treat Trail are strongly rumored to be haunted, this is designed to be a kid-friendly event.

In general, the trail is set up such that cabins become progressively scarier. Cabins will be designated by level of scare, ranging from “not scary at all”… to “potentially causing panic”. There is always the option to skip a cabin or haunted area if it appears to be too scary.

The “Halloweenie Walk” will visit the first 4 cabins on the trail, designed with our youngest trick-or-treaters in mind. That is, they will be transformed for fun, rather than fright… and will be appropriate for visitors of all ages; little ones are most certainly welcome.

The final 4 cabins on the trail will be the scariest, and will be located on a separate portion of the trail, know as “The Scarea”. Truth is, however, that it is difficult for us to guess what will be scary to any specific visitor. What makes one person laugh, may make another scream and run.